Maine Fiber Frolic - 20th Anniversary - June 4th and 5th, 2022
Saturday and Sunday, Windsor, ME

Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival - In Person!!!
9/8/21 Update: Festival Committee has decided not to have a live event this year after all, due to concerns about Covid. Stay posted for virtual event details.
We resume in person festivals at last! I’ll be at the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival at the fairgrounds in Tunbridge, VT, in the main vendor building, as per usual.
I’m so excited to finally get to be face to face with all of you again after such a long hibernation. I will have lots of new yummy yarns in natural and naturally dyed shades. There will be roving and batts for the spinners. There will be sheepskins, organically tanned in Vermont, from my farm and from neighbor John’s Holmestead Farm.
Everything in my booth is lovingly raised and crafted in Vermont, by Vermonters. We are Vermont strong!

Adirondack Wool and Arts Festival
At the Washington County Fairgrounds, in Greenwich, NY. Saturday 10am - 5 pm, Sunday 10 am - 4pm.
I’m looking forward to seeing you at the Adirondack Wool and Arts Festival this year! It’s been 2 years since I’ve been out to a festival and I am super excited. I’ll have farm grown yarns, rovings, and batts, all hand dyed by me on the farm. There will be sheepskins and some hand knits as well.
Can’t wait to see you all there!
Chelsea Holiday Market
After a long hiatus of events, due to the corona virus, I will be participating in the Chelsea, VT Holiday Market. Being held outside on the Green in Chelsea, VT. Located on Rte 110 in Chelsea.
I’ll have yarn, roving, sheepskins and hand knits for sale. Great gifts for the wool lover in your life.

NETA SPA - Freeport, Maine
I am excited to announce that Gilead Fiber Farm will be vending at the NETA event SPA in Freeport, Maine in February 2020. I have been attending this event off and on for many years, and love the time to gather with fellow fiber fanatics. To have been chosen as a vendor for this event is a highlight for this small farm. I am working hard to bring new millspun yarns and rovings, along with loads of hand dyed and handspun yarns, hand cranked batts, and some handknit items for your shopping pleasure.
I look forward to seeing you there! Come say hello and fondle some fiber.

Arnold Block Art & Appetizers Program - Spindle Spinning 2, Plying and Colorplay
This class is for anyone who knows how to spin and is ready to take it to the next level. Learn plying techniques for the drop spindle: we'll spin single-ply yarns together to make multi-ply yarns for a range of knitting, crocheting, and weaving projects. We will also explore color play. Bring your singles and your spindle; leave with some beautiful new handspun yarn. Note: Kristen will also bring her dyed roving for sale should students want more.
Instructor: Kristin Judkins
Join us for an invigorating evening of art + fun! Appetizers provided. Bring a drink of your choice. All classes are held at the Arnold Block. 245 Main Street, Bethel, VT 05032.
Registration Required!

Arnold Block, Art & Appetizers Program - Drop Spindle Spinning for Beginners
Spinning wool can be a relaxing, meditative, and therapeutic activity. If you've ever wanted to try your hand at spinning your own yarn, this class is for you. We will learn to spin a single-ply yarn on a cd drop spindle. Drop spindles and fiber are provided, but if you have a spindle of your own or some fiber that you'd like to work with, bring it and we will get you spinning. There will also be a follow-up class 3 weeks after this one that will cover a variety of plying techniques, so you can learn to make just the yarn you want for your knitting, crocheting, and weaving projects. Note: Kristen will also bring extra dyed roving for sale should students want more.
Instructor: Kristin Judkins
Join us for an invigorating evening of art + fun! Appetizers provided. Bring a drink of your choice. All classes are held at the Arnold Block. 245 Main Street, Bethel, VT 05032.

Norwich Farmer's Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Norwich Farmer's Market this season. Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Feast and Field Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Feast and Field Market in Barnard again this season. This is my very favorite market in all of Vermont, and I frequent it weekly, wether I am vending or not. It's a special spot, and always has great music too.
Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Feast and Field Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Feast and Field Market in Barnard again this season. This is my very favorite market in all of Vermont, and I frequent it weekly, wether I am vending or not. It's a special spot, and always has great music too.
Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival
We will be at the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival, located at the Tunbridge Fairgrounds, in Tunbridge, Vermont. The festival is open Saturday from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, and Sunday 10:00 am- 4:00 pm.
We will have loads of Vermont raised yarns, both handspun and dyed, and millspun, roving and batts for handspinners, cd drop spindles, knitted items and more!

Feast and Field Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Feast and Field Market in Barnard again this season. This is my very favorite market in all of Vermont, and I frequent it weekly, wether I am vending or not. It's a special spot, and always has great music too.
Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Stowe Farmer's Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is happy to be back at the Stowe Farmer's Market this Sunday, June 17th! Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
If knitting is not in your wheel house, but you love hand knits, you're in luck. I'll have lots of hand knit items, lovlngly created by my own mother, Laila Jonsson, on hand too. Shawls, scarves, hats, mitts, socks etc. Great for gifts, or for yourself.

Norwich Farmer's Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Norwich Farmer's Market this season. Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Feast and Field Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Feast and Field Market in Barnard again this season. This is my very favorite market in all of Vermont, and I frequent it weekly, wether I am vending or not. It's a special spot, and always has great music too.
Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Feast and Field Market, Barnard, VT
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Feast and Field Market in Barnard again this season. This is my very favorite market in all of Vermont, and I frequent it weekly, wether I am vending or not. It's a special spot, and always has great music too.
Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Norwich Farmer's Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Norwich Farmer's Market this season. Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Feast and Field Market, Barnard, VT
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Feast and Field Market in Barnard again this season. This is my very favorite market in all of Vermont, and I frequent it weekly, wether I am vending or not. It's a special spot, and always has great music too.
Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Norwich Farmer's Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is pleased to be vending at the Norwich Farmer's Market this season. Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
I'll have both natural and hand dyed yarns and rovings made from my flock of Finn sheep, some blended with mohair or alpaca as well. Many different weights and styles of yarn.
If you love hand knits but don't have the time or inclination to knit yourself I will also have a variety of hand knit items, lovingly knit by mother and I. Shawls, scarves, mittens, socks, hats, you name it. Great for gifts, or a gift for yourself!
I look forward to seeing you there.

Stowe Farmer's Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is happy to be back at the Stowe Farmer's Market this Sunday, June 17th! Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
If knitting is not in your wheel house, but you love hand knits, you're in luck. I'll have lots of hand knit items, lovlngly created by my own mother, Laila Jonsson, on hand too. Shawls, scarves, hats, mitts, socks etc. Great for gifts, or for yourself.

Stowe Farmer's Market
Gilead Fiber Farm is happy to be back for the Opening Day of the Stowe Farmer's Market this Sunday, May 20th! Come on out and check out the farm fresh yarns and rovings on display. Try your hand at a drop spindle, or take home some lovely hand spun yarn for your next knitting or crochet project!
If knitting is not in your wheel house, but you love hand knits, you're in luck. I'll have lots of hand knit items, lovlngly created by my own mother, Laila Jonsson, on hand too. Shawls, scarves, hats, mitts, socks etc. Great for gifts, or for yourself.
Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival
We will be at the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival, located at the Tunbridge Fairgrounds, in Tunbridge, Vermont. The festival is open Saturday from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, and Sunday 10:00 am- 4:00 pm.
We will have loads of Vermont raised yarns, both handspun and dyed, and millspun, roving and batts for handspinners, cd drop spindles, knitted items and more!
Stowe Farmer's Market
We will be at the Stowe Farmer's Market on Sunday September 4th. We will be doing spinning demos both on the spinning wheel and drop spindles. We will have our farm grown yarns and rovings available for sale as well.
The market is located at 108 Mountain Road in Stowe, VT.
Feast & Field Market, Barnard, VT
Come out to Barnard for the most beautiful Farmer's Market in Vermont. Get your veggies, meat and cheese, have some tacos, shake your bootie to awesome bands, and fondle some fiber.
Feast and Field Market, Barnard, VT
Come out to Barnard for the most beautiful Farmer's Market in Vermont. Get your veggies, meat and cheese, have some tacos, shake your bootie to awesome bands, and fondle some fiber.
Natural Dye workshop
Come and learn all about dyeing wool with natural dyes. Workshop will be held at the Mad River Woolery, in Waitsfield, VT. We'll have fun learning about the colors in nature, and how to apply them to your fiber, whether that be as yarn or roving. We'll make dye baths from plants and flowers that grow locally, as well as some that are from further afield, to bring a rainbow of colors to life. We'll cover mordants, making the dye baths, additives to change the hues and more. Come have some fun with us.
Feast and Field Market, Barnard, VT
Come out to Barnard for the most beautiful Farmer's Market in Vermont. Get your veggies, meat and cheese, have some tacos, shake your bootie to awesome bands, and fondle some fiber.
Stowe Farmer's Market
We will be at the Stowe Farmer's Market on Sunday September 4th. We will be doing spinning demos both on the spinning wheel and drop spindles. We will have our farm grown yarns and rovings available for sale as well.
The market is located at 108 Mountain Road in Stowe, VT.